Learn to read, write, speak/talk/converse in Telugu in four elaborate and wonderful modules !

Saturday, 19 February 2011

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Respected readers (Telugu learners),

A good news for you all ! I came across a wonderful collection of four modules that can help you to read, write and speak/talk/converse in Telugu. As I said earlier I'll be coming up with my own set of lessons to teach you Telugu, but it can take time owing to (due to) my busy schedule. So mean while I suggest you all to go through these excellent modules and learn as much as possible. I personally feel it's a great collection that can definitely teach you Telugu to a great extent. By the way, these modules are not by me (not created by me). These are a product of C.P.Brown Academy, Hyderabad and are taken from their website. I must be very very thankful to them for coming up with these modules. Having been established to promote resurgence of Telugu language and culture, the Academy is most appropriately named after the renowned Indologist C.P. Brown (1798-1884) as a tribute to his legendary contribution towards preservation and promotion of Telugu language and literature.

The four modules are as below:


(Click on the image to view full size)


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