[ Module 4 - Telugulo mAtlAdukundhAm (Let us speak in Telugu) ] Learn to read, write and speak/talk/converse in Telugu in four extensive/elaborate modules
Saturday, 19 February 2011
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This is the fourth module in the series that is being brought out by CP Brown Academy to facilitate self-learning of Telugu – reading and writing – through Roman script. The first module in the series, Varnamala, taught how to identify and write Telugu alphabet. The second module, Sabdamala, was about Telugu words. In the third module, Vakyanirmanamu, framing of sentences using the learnt words was discussed. Now, we are confronted with the most difficult
challenge – that of the practice of talking in Telugu. So, let us practice it, for nothing can ever be learned except by practice.
This module provides you with the basic approach and premise to converse in Telugu. It provides you a template, around which you can weave your dialogue that best suits the different contexts – talking to people from within the family, neighborhood, and perhaps, ultimately, from the society at large.
Learning is after all a personal experience. It can only be realised by one’s own effort – by one’s own practice. What this module can, at best, do is to provide you with the rudimentary nuances and etiquettes associated with the usage of language for maintaining beauty and grace in conversation.
Practicing conversation in Telugu, or for that matter in any language, essentially calls for ‘discipline’. It calls for regular practice – till at least the going gets good. But beware that we, the modern men, as Erich Fromm said, are little self-disciplined ‘outside of the sphere of work’.
‘Fear of making a joke of oneself’ by talking disjointedly is one syndrome that is more likely to make a learner of any language give it up half the way. That is where ‘patience’ and ‘perseverance’ become the deciding factors of learning. Imagine the joy that one gets in communicating with one’s kith and kin in a language that is innate to them – visualize the sense of belongingness that such communication engenders. It would be a sheer delight to practice a language that has most of its words ending in the sound ‘oo’, giving it a very sing-song like sound.
It is our earnest hope that the series would facilitate easy learning of Telugu on one’s own.
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challenge – that of the practice of talking in Telugu. So, let us practice it, for nothing can ever be learned except by practice.
This module provides you with the basic approach and premise to converse in Telugu. It provides you a template, around which you can weave your dialogue that best suits the different contexts – talking to people from within the family, neighborhood, and perhaps, ultimately, from the society at large.
Learning is after all a personal experience. It can only be realised by one’s own effort – by one’s own practice. What this module can, at best, do is to provide you with the rudimentary nuances and etiquettes associated with the usage of language for maintaining beauty and grace in conversation.
Practicing conversation in Telugu, or for that matter in any language, essentially calls for ‘discipline’. It calls for regular practice – till at least the going gets good. But beware that we, the modern men, as Erich Fromm said, are little self-disciplined ‘outside of the sphere of work’.
‘Fear of making a joke of oneself’ by talking disjointedly is one syndrome that is more likely to make a learner of any language give it up half the way. That is where ‘patience’ and ‘perseverance’ become the deciding factors of learning. Imagine the joy that one gets in communicating with one’s kith and kin in a language that is innate to them – visualize the sense of belongingness that such communication engenders. It would be a sheer delight to practice a language that has most of its words ending in the sound ‘oo’, giving it a very sing-song like sound.
It is our earnest hope that the series would facilitate easy learning of Telugu on one’s own.
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Click here to download the 'Telugulo Matladukundam' (.pdf file) (UPDATED LINK)
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Download the full mp3 (53 MB) by clicking here.
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Since the download file (.mp3) is more than 20 MB(maximum allowed limit of Google sites), it is split into four parts of 20 MB each and one part of 7 MB using a program called 'splitter'. Since each part file is a full fledged mp3 you may go without joining them also but the voice may be abruptly cut at the ends (beginning and last). After you download these five part files, you have to join them again using splitter if you want to get the full continuous mp3. 'splitter'(Size:58 KB) can be downloaded below - Note that it is a file without extension (as Google doesn't allow uploading of .exe files, I removed the extension and uploaded). You need to add a .exe extension to it's name (Right click and 'Rename') to use it. To use it, you have to put all the part files in a single directory and give any part file as input and click on Unsplit button. It can be used for your own purposes also to split or unsplit large files.
Click here to download 'Splitter'
Download Part 01: Click here to download Part 01
Download Part 02: Click here to download Part 02
Download Part 03: Click here to download Part 03
(Click on the image to view full size)
(Click on the image to view full size)
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