[ Module 1 - Telugu varnamAla (Alphabet/Letters) ] Learn to read, write and speak/talk/converse in Telugu in four extensive/elaborate modules

Saturday, 19 February 2011

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The Module-1, "Telugu Varnamala", is intended to help the Telugu speakers, who cannot read/write Telugu, to pick up a reasonable level of linguistic competence, through Roman script. The symbols used in this book are intended to facilitate the transliteration template of the vowels, consonants, gunintamulu and the vowel-consonant clusters, i.e., voththulu.

The relationship of the Roman character with the Telugu letter and its pronunciation have been clearly explained with examples to aid phonetics. For instance, the symbol 'a' stands for the Telugu letter that sounds like 'o' as in the word 'come'. Let us take another example. The symbol 'c' stands for the Telugu letter that sounds like 'ch' as in the word 'church'. The Module-1 is thus quite self-explanatory and is certain to help those who desire to learn Telugu through the medium of English. The workbook provided along with it is scientifically designed for practice to help the learners pickup reading and writing of Telugu, satisfactorily.

We know that some of the alphabet and their sounds are difficult to pronounce and quite a few are not in popular use. They do not even matter in the acquisition of linguistic skills. However, we have included all the
Telugu letters irrespective of their usage in order to introduce them all to the  learners. Enjoy!

Click here to download 'Telugu Alphabet' (.pdf file) (UPDATED LINK)
Click here to downoad 'Telugu Alphabet Workbook' (.pdf file) (UPDATED LINK)


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